
Tips for body fat burning.

Body fat does not disappear by itself, and unfortunately we experience that literally at first hand. To burn stored body fat you have to eat well and train regularly. Eating well is important not to store too much fat and to have enough energy to be able to fully exercise. Sufficient exercise is needed to burn body fat from the food with the help of the fuel. In order to burn body fat efficiently, 2 special features are of great importance:

1: Have patience

On average, your body only starts claiming your physical fat reserves after 20 minutes. You lose relatively the most body fat between the twentieth minute and the end of your training. There is no exact threshold, but the carbohydrates that are immediately available and approachable, and serve as a more efficient form of energy, are often used up after those 20 minutes. Thus your body is forced (or actually forced) to address another source of energy, and as long as you keep your heart rate low and your energy metabolism can continue to function aerobically (ie with oxygen).

2: Keep your heartbeat in the mood

During training it is important to maintain a good heart rhythm. If you hardly contract and your heart rate is too low, you burn little to no fat and mainly carbohydrates. If your heart rate is too high, you will not only burn fat, but also proteins from muscle tissues , so that you lose muscle mass and your resting metabolism and active metabolism will only get slower. In the longer term, this will be at the expense of your body fat burning.

Ideal heart rate for fat burning

The ideal heart rate for body fat burning can be calculated using the Karvonen formula : ((maximum heart rate - resting heart rate) x intensity percentage ) + resting heart rate = the ideal heart rate for burning fat. As an example:

Calm heart rate = 55
Maximum heart rate = 170
((170 - 55) x 60%) + 50 = +/- 120
((170 - 55) x 70%) + 50 = +/- 130
An ideal heart rate in this case would be between 120 and 130 heartbeats per minute. More detailed information about the ideal heart rate for body fat burning can be found in this article about heart rate optimization .

Heart rate monitor

To determine your heart rate, it is best to use a heart rate monitor . You can determine your maximum heart rate by completing a 15-minute warm-up, and then cycling at full speed with a maximum speed that you can sustain for at least 5 minutes. In the last half minute you get a final sprint as if you are cycling the final stage of the Tour de France .

When you read your heart rate at the end of this sprint, you have reached your maximum heart rate. You take your resting heart by lying on the bed and reading your heartbeat. For more certainty for both the maximum heart rate and the resting heart rate, you can repeat the process several times over the course of a week. You do need to do this once in a while because your condition improves as you train more often.

The intensity percentage is a certain zone within your maximum heart rate. For fat burning or body fat burning it should be between 60 and 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. For extensive information about which intensity percentage best fits with which type of training, you can check out Hans Reitzema's website .

3 aspects of fat burning

In principle, fat burning is the goal of anyone who wants to lose weight or is on a diet. Unfortunately, many think they want to lose kilos. So there is an essential difference between weight loss (in terms of kilograms) and weight loss (in terms of sizes). And that is where most of us take the wrong turn: you do not burn fat by just diets! In fact, a strict calorie-reducing diet often has a counterproductive effect when it comes to a leaner body. The 3 parts of successful fat burning (optimal body fat burning) are as follows:

Body fat burning part 1: following a stable diet

A diet where you NEVER get more than 350 kilocalories per day less than you need . An average woman needs about 1,900 to 2,000 kilocalories per day. And that applies even more when you are physically active by exercising. Many popular diets are already falling, such as the diet of Sonja Bakker , because your body in such diets in a survival position ends up, making body fat burning is almost impossible.

Your body inhibits the metabolism because too little energy comes in. The fat burning process will then also not start. Weight loss than more than 65% of moisture and muscle and NOT fat! You have to follow a healthy & well-thought-out diet in which you never take in less than 1550 kilocalories per day!

Keep in mind that you burn more calories than average on the next 2 parts! This can quickly reach 500 calories per training day. If you plan to train 3 times a week, you can eat around 1900-2000 calories every day and eat less than you consume. And that is the secret of responsible weight loss !

Burn fat part 2: cardiovascular training

Cardiovascular training means training at 55 to 65% of your maximum heart rate. A good device to do this is the cross trainer! If you can just talk normally during the exercises, without getting out of breath, you are about the right heartbeat. You also have to sustain it for at least 20 minutes, because then the average person starts to burn really good fat. Treading 30 minutes of crosstraining three times a week is a good start!

Fat burning part 3: Muscle strengthening training

Strength training is the part that is usually skipped by women, but muscle strengthening exercises are at least as important as the previous 2 parts of burning fat. Often I hear in response to this part: "Why? I do not want stronger and bigger muscles at all! "However, you overlook 2 important things:

Muscles consume a lot of calories, even at rest (for example when you are sitting or sleeping)! So the more muscles you have, the higher your metabolism and the more you can eat without arriving. The time that watching a pastry makes you fat is over.
Muscles create the phenomenon ' a tight body '!
The most important thing to remember with muscle strengthening workouts is that you should NOT train locally . If you want a flat stomach, you do not want to train your abs alone. In order to burn real fat, you need more muscle mass. The best way to achieve this is to do the BIGGEST muscle groups first. The largest muscles are your (upper) leg muscles, chest muscles and back muscles .

If you do not want to use all devices in a gym, it is best to train those muscle groups. This is much more useful than focusing specifically and continuously on, for example, your abdominal muscles, arm muscles or gluteals. Your body works in this case, because it wants to distribute the muscle mass evenly over your entire body! The human body always looks for a certain stability.


It is really deadly sin that so many women drag themselves through a hell with a diet that gives you too little to eat . You only think about food and in 9 out of 10 cases you are heavier than you had before the diet started a year after the diet.

Far too many women want the 'easy' solution and do EVERYTHING to prevent them having to exercise to burn fat. But believe me, it is really much easier to exercise an hour 3 times a week and to follow the above 3 parts of successful fat burning, than to focus purely on food.

Well, conclusion: the moment you really burn fat and body fat reserves are converted to the substances that your body can use as fuel , water + carbon dioxide remains as a residual product. You lose the water through your urine and perspiration and you exhale the carbon dioxide. So there remains the fat that you burn.

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Dieting by eating less

Little fat, low carbohydrates or many proteins, ... There is a diet for every taste. And if you are one of the millions of Europeans who are overweight, you will probably have tried them all without success.

Medical experiment
Harvard professor Frank Sacks recently published a study that confirms the earlier findings that one diet is more useless than the other when it comes to weight loss. As long as you eat less, you will lose weight, whatever the calories come from. It is not about what you eat, but how much you eat. In this study 811 obese patients were subjected to one to four different diets. Every diet was different. With one diet one could consume a lot of fat, with the other little. Sometimes they had to consume a lot of proteins or just a lot of grain products or fruit and vegetables. All participants also had to exercise one and a half hours per week. On average, during this experiment, 7% of their body weight was lost in 6 months time. After that, however, weight started to recover and after 2 years, however, only 5% of their body weight was lost, instead of 7%. Only 1 in 10 participants managed to lose more than 10% of his or her weight.

Too many calories
The most striking result of the study was not so much that the abundance of diet plans does not work or works insufficiently. What the researchers noticed most was that the participants almost never managed to limit the number of calories. It had been hoped that the participants would consume up to 750 calories less per day, which on average was the target for the total of the diets. This turned out to be an intention that could not be realized. During the first few weeks, the results were not so bad, but over the first 6 months it was found that on average only 225 calories were consumed less per day, which is only a third of what had been put forward. So it is apparently very difficult to reduce your calorie consumption so that you lose enough weight.

Eating less
The problem of obesity in our society is therefore caused by massively overeating. So for a diet we will be prepared to eat differently and leave certain foods to the left, but reducing the amount of our food will be more difficult. Those 5% to 10% of people who lost weight are of course useful to reduce a range of health risks, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. If you weigh ten kilograms too much, you can put a lot of energy into sports and changing dietary patterns, but it is much more effective to try and eat less and less. The trick is to see the needle on the scale in a downward direction, without feeling hungry or living your life.

Tips for eating less and losing weight
There is no point in deleting complete meals. Eat less big portions, but more regularly. If you have the habit of eating a piece of chocolate every day, break this piece of chocolate into 4 pieces and eat only 3 pieces of it, spread all over the day. Many people also do not come with 3 meals a day. Eat up to 6 times a day, small portions. Many people still eat too much just before they go to sleep. This makes no sense, because during your sleep, you will not feel hungry. It helps to impose yourself after 21 hours nothing to eat. Brush your teeth at that hour. This really helps to let the food.

Soft drinks and surpluses
Drinking water. If you are not used to this, it often takes some getting used to, but after a while you will enjoy it. Do not bring soft drinks in the house or just pick them up when a visit comes. Soft drinks are a huge source of sugars. Anything that you drink too much from soft drinks will have to be compensated in your diet to still be able to lose weight. Since sodas do not help very well against the hunger, it is better to leave them. Fruit juices are also covered by these soft drinks. They contain quite a few calories. Reduce the portions of meat in your meal and increase the portion of vegetables. Eat slowly. Do not oblige yourself to eat your plate within ten minutes. Only use your fork so that making food is more difficult. Stop eating before you are satisfied, but already on the point when you feel that the hunger is gone. Put the surplus in the fridge for later in the day. Even though the surplus is very small and hardly worth saving. This way you will notice that you will eat a lot less during the day without having to be hungry. Add no calories and eat enough, but certainly not a bite too much. Realize that you have become too fat, just because you constantly eat a little too much and eat when you do not really need it.

Enjoy eating less
Do not force yourself to eat something that you do not like. In the long run you will not be able to continue this. Make a list of things you like to eat and think of an alternative that contains fewer calories but is equally tasty. Replace milk chocolate with dark chocolate. Butter by margarine. Pork by lamb or poultry; Full milk by skim milk. Halve the amount of butter in the frying pan or replace it with vegetable oil. It also helps to cook a little more effectively while cooking and to freeze half. Almost everyone prepares too large portions because they are hungry. Do not exceed 500 grams as a maximum for a meal. Never skip a meal, but eat little. This prevents you from getting hungry after an hour. When you go to bed with hunger, the temptation is getting bigger to eat too much. Drink well before, during and after your meal. Concentrate during the meal only on your diet. Do not eat for TV or for the computer. You can talk during the meal if it helps you to stretch the meal. If you have too much distraction during the meal, you literally forget to feel when you have enough.

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24 Benefits of Spirulina for Skin, Hair & Health

What is Spirulina?
If you are looking for a plant that can nourish your body by providing most of its protein needs, it can prevent allergies and strengthen the immune system, then spirulina is the answer what you need.

Spirulina is a natural algae (cyanobacteria) that is very high in protein and nutrients. It is mainly obtained from two species of cyanobacteria: Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima. Unlike other plants growing on the ground, Spirulina grows in the form of blue-green algae in water and fresh-water salt in the wild. It is also commercially cultivated in the Spirulina water plantation.

This plant is consumed as a diet as well as dietary supplements. It is available in tablets, powders and flake shapes. In addition to consumed by humans, it is also used as a feed supplement in aquaculture, aquarium and poultry industry. Spirulina is largely composed of proteins and amino acids and hence, beneficial for vegetarians. High levels of protein and iron make it useful during pregnancy, after surgery, and to boost the immune system.

The Best Benefits of Spirulina
Benefits of Spirulina for Health:
Spirulina is a "superfood" that has tremendous nutritional value. Being rich in essential nutrients, this plant has the following health benefits:

1. Allergy Treatment:

According to the study, Spirulina can help in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Consumption Spirulina helps in relieving symptoms such as nasal discharge, sneezing, stuffy nose and itching.

2. Lower Blood Cholesterol Levels:

Spirulina reduces blood cholesterol levels naturally and increases the absorption of important minerals. Consumption of several grams of Spirulina every day can reduce LDL or bad cholesterol and increase the ratio of cholesterol. This normalization of cholesterol plays a big role in weight loss.

3. Beneficial in Diabetes:

In one study it was observed that taking Spirulina as a dietary supplement for 12 weeks resulted in a significant reduction in fat content. It is very beneficial for diabetics because it reduces inflammation and helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

4. Helps Lose Weight:

Spirulina is rich in beta-carotene, chlorophyll, GLA fatty acids and other nutrients that are very beneficial for overweight people. Consuming these supplements is beneficial during fasting, because of the supply of nutrients needed to cleanse and heal your system, while limiting your appetite.

5. Prevent Cancer:

Several studies have proven that Spirulina can capture the development of cancer, reduce the risk of initiation of cancer and boost your immune system. It is a great substitute for animal products because it contains a special form of protein that is assimilated well. Unlike animal protein, it does not burden your body with waste products. It is also rich in phycocyanin, a pigment with anti-cancer properties. It strengthens the immune system and inhibits excessive cell division. Spirulina also offers some protection against oral cancer.

6. Improving Brain / Cognitive Function:

Folate and vitamin B-12 plays an important role in the health of brain function and nervous system. Being rich in nutrients, Spirulina helps in protecting cognitive function as one of baby's early supplements. These nutritional supplements help maintain brain function.

7. Depression Cures:

Spirulina is a good source of folic acid that provides food for the brain and supports the production of energy and blood cells. This makes it worthwhile in the treatment of depression.

8. Eye Health:

Research has shown that Spirulina is very beneficial to the eyes. It is proven effective in treating eye diseases such as geriatric cataract, diabetic retinal damage (retinitis), retinal nephritic damage and hardening of retinal vessels (angiosclerosis).

9. Treatment Gastric ulcers:

It acts spirulina as a good treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, thanks to the presence of amino acids, cysteine ​​and high-quality protein content. Being rich in chlorophyll, it is great for maintaining and restoring good digestion.

10. Treatment of Hepatitis and Cirrhosis:

Clinical reports have shown that Spirulina prevents, as well as drugs, fatty liver and hepato-cirrhosis. This supplement should be taken for at least a month to see useful results.

11. Increase Sexual Vitality:

The high protein content in Spirulina, as well as the presence of other vitamins, minerals and enzymes, make it useful for increasing sexual strength.

12. Dental Health:

Spirulina contains phosphorus and helps to improve your teeth.

13. Antibacterial Compounds:

Chronic candida fungus is responsible for the worsening of symptoms of various autoimmune diseases. Spirulina keeps excessive candida under control by encouraging and supporting the growth of healthy bacteria in your stomach.

14. HIV and AIDS:

Spirulina can cure symptoms that are a side effect of HIV treatment and AIDS. It also helps disable human immunodeficiency virus associated with HIV and AIDS.

15. Helpful During Pregnancy:

Spirulina has the required iron content during pregnancy, especially for those with anemia. It also prevents constipation.

16. Other Functions Of Spirulina:

Spirulina has antimicrobial properties that can destroy bacteria and viruses such as HIV-1, enterovirus, cytomegalovirus, measles, mumps, influenza A and herpes simplex. It also boosts the immune system by making it produce more monocytes, natural killer cells and macrophages, all of which damage pathogens in the body.

Benefits of Spirulina for the Skin:
Spirulina is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, Spirulina has a lot to offer in terms of skin care. It is beneficial for your skin in the following ways:

17. Skin Toner:

Spirulina has a high content of vitamin A, vitamin B-12, vitamin E, calcium, iron and phosphorus, all of which are important for your skin's health. Free radicals make your skin look tired, weak and soft. Taking Spirulina supplements regularly works wonders for your skin, making it look toned, young and vital. It also treats flabby skin by removing the body's remaining metabolic products and strengthens the body as a whole. Read: How to get rid of acne with a spirulina mask

18. Black Circle Treatment (black spots):

Spirulina is effective in treating dark circles and dry eye symptoms. A detoxifying effect that gives your eyes fresh and fresh energy, removes dark shadows and droughts. Read: How to get rid of acne with a spirulina mask

19. Helpful Anti-aging:

Spirulina contains tyrosine, vitamin E or tocopherol, and selenium, all of which are known for their anti-aging effects. Tyrosine slows the aging of skin cells. Antioxidants present in them eliminate free radicals responsible for skin aging. Try this facial mask to prevent premature aging of the skin and against acne. Make a paste by mixing some Spirulina with water and apply it to your face. Continue for 20 minutes and clean up. This will make your skin extraordinarily soft and smooth and prevent the signs of aging like wrinkles.

20. Detoxifying Skin:

Spirulina facilitates faster cell turnover that helps the skin recover faster. It wards off free radicals and removes toxins from the skin to improve skin metabolism. It also prevents excessive candida which can cause acne.

21. Healthy Nails:

Regular use of Spirulina treats nail mountains and other nail troubles. Spirulina contains high-value protein 70% needed by the body. Consuming for about 4 weeks can cure the problem of nails and warts.

Benefits of Spirulina for Hair:
Spirulina is being widely used to promote hair growth and to combat hair problems such as thinning hair and baldness. Spirulina contains amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamin A and beta-carotene, all of which are great for the hair. Some of the benefits of hair are as follows:

22. Promoting Hair Growth:

External use of Spirulina can accelerate hair growth. In addition to consumption, these algae are used as ingredients in shampoo and cooling treatments. It also helps in hair regrowth.

23. Hair Loss Treatment:

Alopecia is an autoimmune disease characterized by hair loss at an alarming rate. It is not only limited to the scalp but also causes hair loss throughout the body and face. This can lead to bald spots, even in women, and even complete baldness. It acts spirulina as an alternative medicine to prevent further loss of hair and facilitates hair renewal.

24. Dandruff Treatment:

Spirulina acts as an antioxidant compound and takes for 4 weeks to make your hair completely free of dandruff, shiny and strong.

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It is a dream of many, fast and slim in the summer. This would make it nice to lose five kilos quickly in just one week. This way you can become just a little slimmer before holidays start. Fast weight loss is not always healthy and effective, but it is possible! You can lose 5 kilos quickly if you have motivation and discipline. You will then have to keep a strict diet for a few days and you must strictly adhere to the specified menus.

Research has shown that 70% of Dutch women are uncertain about her body and feel too fat. In 40% of these women, this uncertainty is explicitly present during a day at the beach. The fact that these Dutch women are very insecure about their bodies is apparent, among other things, from the fact that 9 out of 10 female young adults do not dare to show up in bikini. They prefer to choose a swimsuit or wear wide shirts over their bikini. Just when you are very insecure about your body, it may be nice to lose a few kilos just before the holiday. With the tips and instructions below you can lose five kilos in one week. Of course this is partly dependent on your physical activity, physical construction and metabolism. However, I would like to recommend this diet only if you want to lose a few pounds to bikini slim summer to go or just a few pounds lighter wants to be in order to marry. If you have to lose a lot of pounds, it is not advisable to follow this diet.

In addition to this diet, movement is of course of great importance. Try to move daily for at least one hour at a time. This is not necessarily necessary in the gym. An hour of walking or cycling is fine. Make sure you increase your pace, as soon as you start strolling you will burn very few calories.

Even if you want to lose 5 kilos in 1 week, it is good to have breakfast. By breakfast you start your burn. During breakfast you can drink unlimited coffee and tea, as long as this happens without milk and sugar. An extra recommendation is green tea. In addition to tea and coffee, you can choose one product daily from the fruit, protein and carbohydrate list mentioned in this article.

During lunch it is also important to drink enough. Again you can choose from coffee and tea. In addition, you can now eat 2 pieces of recommended fruit and combine this with one recommended protein-rich product and one carbohydrate-rich product. Variation is important. So choose a combination other than that you used during breakfast.

During dinner you can choose from 3 recommended vegetables or fruit. You can combine this with a carbohydrate rich product and a high protein product.

1 banana
1 green apple
1 grapefruit
1 orange
70 grams of strawberries
70 grams of grapes

100ml yoghurt 0% fat or 100ml curd 0% fat. Consider the products of the brand Optimel that are very suitable for use during this diet.
1 cup of skimmed milk
1 boiled egg
100 grams of canned tuna. Be careful that you use tuna on water and not on oil basis!
80 grams of 20+ cheese or 20+ goat's cheese
40 grams of unsalted nuts

1 slice of coarse wholemeal bread
4 tablespoons muesli without chocolate, sugars etc.
2 wholemeal crispbread
100 grams of whole-wheat paste
2 small potatoes

100 grams of cabbage
100 grams of winter carrot
100 grams of cauliflower
100 grams of fresh leaf spinach
100 grams of red beetroot
100 grams of sprouts
100 grams of asparagus

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This way you burn more fat with cardio

Cardio machines are not designed to punish tasty eaters. There are diets for that. Nevertheless, many men spend hours on a Stairclimber or treadmill for hours on the conviction that the pool will disappear like snow in the sun. The result: medium to very average. Do not hesitate, moderate.

But a workout on a cardio machine does not have to be a fight against windmills. "The body will always try to be as energy-efficient as possible," says Chris Carmichael, founder of Carmichael Training Systems and coach of cycling phenomenon Lance Armstrong. 'If you train with the same intensity for a long time, you give your combustion engine the chance to adjust to it and use less fuel. And that is exactly what you do not want.

By varying the intensity of the training, your body will use more fuel. That way you get better results in a shorter time. ' Here you have a plan of action for the five most popular cardio machines, with an intensive twenty-minute workout for each device. Your goals: break your training color and halve your belly in record time.

Before you begin

A good warm-up precedes each workout. So start every new exercise quietly, about five minutes at about forty percent of your maximum power.

Then follow the instruction of the cardio machine. You can finish the described programs on all mentioned cardio machines. We advise you to choose a different workout every four weeks, but to keep it exciting you can also change programs every week or every time.

If you are a beginner, you must first build up the intensity. Do a ten-minute workout at 50 percent of your maximum power three times a week. Increase the intensity every other week by ten percent. The weeks in between you increase the training duration by two minutes. If you can work seventy percent of your maximum power for twenty minutes at three days per week, you are ready for the programs described on these pages.

The joint protector or the cross trainer

Exercise physiological research shows that crosstrainers offer the same cardiovascular benefits as treadmills, but without burdening the joints. A perfect solution for a runner who wants to stay in shape, but does not want to harm his ankles, knees and hip joints.

Correct execution
The twenty-minute fat burner
The 'alternating interval' training from Lance Watson, coach of the Canadian Olympic triathlon team. By alternating between high resistance and high speed, you can train for a longer period of time. First warm up, then turn up the resistance knob until you run with an intensity of eighty percent of your maximum power. After two minutes reduce the resistance to the level of your warm-up, but increase your speed, so that you still run at eighty percent of your maximum power. - Change this high resistance and faster every two minutes until you have been on it for twenty minutes.

The total bodybuilder or the indoor rower

'Of all cardio machines, indoor rowers offer the best total body workout,' says Mike Teti, coach of the American Olympic rowing team. That is because an indoor rowers requires an equal effort from both the upper and lower body, and that gives a larger gain in your overall cardiovascular condition.

Correct execution
With the rowing to the back, you must fully extend your knees before pulling your shoulder blades backwards and pulling the bar towards your breastbone. Your back must remain in the normal, slightly hollow position during the exercise.

The twenty-minute fat burner
Mike Teti's approach is designed to maximize your muscles during every interval, while the recovery periods help you increase fat burning. Put the rowing machine on resistance four. Do sets of ten, fifteen and twenty strokes, where you bring the rod to your sternum as quickly and powerfully as possible. Alternate the powerful strokes with lighter rowing times of one minute at about fifty percent of your maximum power (maximum power is the resistance where you can only make one shot). Keep alternating until you have been on it for twenty minutes.

The healthier or the Stairclimber

For a study at Yale University, men with insulin resistance (risk factor for diabetes and cardiovascular disease) trained for fourteen minutes on the Stairclimber four days a week. In just six weeks, they increased their sensitivity to insulin by 43 percent.

Correct execution
Leaning on the handles - reduces calorie consumption by twenty percent or more. For a greater burning capacity you have to swing your arms, as if you are walking or running. Even better is you just turning around. The retro version - with your back to the machine - has proven to burn more calories than the average way.

The twenty-minute fat burner
The 'ascending intensity' method of Edmund Burke, human movement scientist and author of The Complete Home Fitness Handbook. After warming up, you have to raise the resistance by one tooth while maintaining your speed of sixty to eighty steps per minute for two minutes. Then again a little higher for two minutes, then a little higher, and so on until you have your twenty-minute workout on it.

The mood enhancer or the Hometrainer

Benefits Advantage
Exercise physiological research shows that cycling on the exercise bike gives more energy, chases away fatigue and improves mood. And that effect already occurs in a ten-minute round. The exercise bike is also a perfect device for setter types because there is less chance of injuries. Cycling on the exercise bike is not a carrying activity and therefore a lot friendlier for the joints.

Correct execution
Many cyclists get pain in their lower back due to their bent over posture. Prevent this by standing on the pedals every five minutes, for one minute. That is a relief for the lower back and it forces you to use other muscles. In addition, it breaks the routine of the workout.

The twenty-minute fat burner
This training by Lance Armstrong's coach Chris Carmichael also mentions your fitness and muscles in different ways, by changing the sprint times. After the warm-up you will cycle for about ninety seconds at about 95 percent of your maximum power, followed by a rest of ninety seconds at about forty percent. Then you do with the same intensity an interval of sixty seconds and one of thirty seconds. After 30 seconds of rest, you cycle for seventy minutes of your maximum power for four minutes, after which you complete the entire set of intervals once more.

The calorie eater or the treadmill

Burning ability
A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise has shown that the treadmill of all cardio machines burns the highest number of calories.

Correct performance
Increase the angle of the treadmill by one percent. Research shows that this minimal angle increase comes closest to walking out.

The twenty-minute fat burner
This interval method of Liz Neporent, writer of Fitness for Dummies, provides strong leg muscles and rapid fat removal. Choose a speed that is about one and a half minutes per kilometer slower than your normal walking speed. Walk at that speed for two minutes at an angle of one percent. Set the treadmill to four percent and walk for another two minutes. Continue to raise the angle of the treadmill two percent every two minutes until you reach an angle of 10 degrees. Then work down with a reduction of one percent every two minutes until you have a twenty-minute work-out.
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7 tips: 10 pounds in 5 weeks (without sports)

In this article I give you 7 waste tips that ensure that you waste up to 10 kilos in 5 weeks time. If you have more or less than 10 pounds of overweight I advise you to read this article. Because in the end everyone wants to burn excess body fat.

Losing 10 pounds is not difficult , it is only important that you know exactly what to do. The clear information and the straightforward waste tips in this article will help you.

Waste tips: food or sports?
Lose weight is 70% nutrition and 30% exercise. You can lose weight by eating healthy and not exercising, but you can not (almost) lose weight by eating unhealthy and exercising a lot.

Sports such as sprinting and strength training certainly does not hurt, but you can also lose 10 pounds without exercising. That is ideal if you are too busy to go to the gym a lot.

For your general health (and therefore also for weight loss) it is important that you move for at least 30 minutes a day. You can do this for example by walking, cycling or swimming. Most people in the Netherlands make it easy for 30 minutes.

Nutrition is therefore more important than exercise if you want to lose 10 kilos.

Eating to lose weight
We eat to get energy, you need this energy to move and survive. You can get energy in three ways. Via carbohydrates, via proteins and via fats. Each of these energy sources is digested in your body in a different way.

The different digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats has a big influence on the speed of your fat burning and ultimately your body weight.

Carbohydrates cause a difficult fat burning, so you get a lot of it.

While fats and proteins stimulate fat burning, so you lose weight easily.

Hard to lose 10 pounds with carbohydrates
Examples of carbohydrates are sugar, cereals, starch, lactose and alcohol. All carbohydrates are converted into simple sugars in your body (monosaccharides: glucose and fructose ).

Absorption of glucose in your blood causes your insulin level to rise. Due to the high insulin level, the enzyme that can burn body fat (Hormone-Sensitive Lipase, HSL) is blocked.

Carbohydrates therefore make it very difficult to burn your body fat. You can run or play as much as you like, but as long as you eat carbohydrates, you will very easily burn body fat.

Easy to lose weight with proteins and healthy fats
Proteins and (healthy) fats do not ensure that your insulin level rises so fast and so high. This makes it possible to burn body fat.

Examples of proteins and healthy fats are: fish, meat, egg, nuts, seeds, seeds, natural oils and some vegetables. If you eat this food and burn more energy than you ingest, you will immediately burn body fat.

This is of course a simplification of your very complex digestion. In reality, there are thousands of substances, hormones and enzymes that have to do with this process. If you want to know more about this I advise you to read my article : The floor .

It is not necessary to understand exactly how your body works to lose 10 kilos. All you have to remember is: carbohydrates make you fatter and proteins and healthy fats help you lose weight.

One more comment about proteins. Proteins stimulate growth in your body, but growth means aging. Various studies have shown that too many proteins shorten the lifespan. Proteins are incredibly healthy and you really need them, but do not eat them too much.

Eat little carbohydrates, enough (but not too much) protein and lots of healthy fats. The tips below will help you with this.

The 7 waste tips
If you follow the tips below, you will lose up to 10 kilos in 5 weeks time.

Tip 1: Cook yourself
Tip 2: Do not get sugar and cereals in the house
Tip 3: Learn juicing
Tip 4: Snack raw
Tip 5: Weigh you once a week
Tip 6: Inform friends and colleagues
Tip 7: Start immediately
Tip 1: Cook yourself. By that I mean "prepare your food yourself", because you do not always have to cook your food. By preparing your own food you have in control what goes into it. This means that you can make sauces yourself.

If you decide to go out for dinner, make sure you have eaten a healthy meal beforehand. Once in the restaurant, you can enjoy a salad (without sauce) for fun.

Also take a home-made lunch to work, because unfortunately most company canteens are still focused on bread or other carbohydrates.

In this recipe book you will find more than enough examples of healthy dishes (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and snacks) and sauces.

Tip 2: Do not bring grains and sugar in the house. If they are not there you can not eat them either.

It is also important that you are not tempted to eat carbohydrates on the way or at work. Do you have the habit of going to a fast food restaurant after work? Take a different route. Do you have the habit of getting something out of the candy machine or soda machine at 4 o'clock at work? Do not take any coins with you. Be creative and try to exclude any possibility of being tempted.

Tip 3: Learn juicing. Juicen, or with another word "juices", is the crushing of vegetables so that a vegetable juice is created. By pressing vegetables you take the vitamins and other healthy nutrients very quickly in your body. The juice contains almost no calories, but it does stagnate your hunger.

I make standard one liter of vegetable juice every morning and drink it during the rest of the day, between my meals. In the beginning the taste is getting used to, but once you've done it for a few weeks, you do not want anything else. In the Smoothie Slimming Plan  you will find lots of vegetable juice recipes in addition to smoothies.

Tip 4: Snack raw. Snacking is perhaps the most important cause of your excess weight. Around 4 o'clock or after dinner, you often have a lot of appetite for something sweet or 'something that fills'. To ignore this hunger is very difficult.

What you can do best to satisfy this hunger is to take a raw snack. By that I mean: food that is not cooked, fried or processed. Carrots, green celery, nuts or a piece of fruit are examples of ideal snacks.

Tip 5: Weigh you once a week. Many people who are engaged in weight loss weigh themselves every day. These people often do not know that facets such as the weather, your movement, the time of day, the time of the month and many other aspects affect your weight.

It can happen that you suddenly lost 1.2 kilos from one day to the next. But it can also happen that you suddenly arrived at 0.5 kilos. In the latter case people often get very demotivated and they are more likely to eat something unhealthy that day (because 'it does not work').

If you weigh, from week to week, you will see that you lose between 1.0 and 2.5 kilos every week. Do not worry if this is not the case for a week. Just keep eating healthy and you will automatically burn all your excess body fat.

Tip 6: Inform friends and colleagues. Let friends, family and colleagues know that you will eat less carbohydrates in the next 30 days. So you do not have to explain each time why you do not take a piece of cake, why you do not serve potatoes or why you order a salad without sauce.

Most people will support you during the process. Moreover, due to the social pressure it creates you have less trouble to turn off tasty snacks (after all, you have promised your friends that you would not eat them).

Tip 7: Start immediately.  We all know the saying, of delay is adjustment. And this is often the case with weight loss. Many people like to do something about it, but do not have the courage to start.

I think it's one of the most annoying things to see, people who resign themselves to being overweight. They do this because they think it is a big task or sometimes even that it is impossible.

Nothing is less true! You too can lose your excess weight, provided you choose the right approach. And I can help you with that.

Especially for people who want to get rid of their obesity quickly and efficiently (but healthy and natural), I have written the Smoothie Slimming Plan. It is recommended that you look at some useful information for you. Please click here



With natural weight loss, one of the most important factors is the food you ingest. They sometimes say: you are what you eat . This is a statement that certainly holds true.

People who want to lose weight often try to get as few calories as possible , but that will often lead to the familiar yo-yo effect. It is mainly about what calories you eat.

Even less food will not cause the road to your goal weight to run smoothly, because of the hunger you get and the energy that you miss. In addition, more muscle mass means higher fat burning. If you eat too little, you will miss nutrients that are needed for the muscles.

Which 21 foods can you best eat for natural weight loss? Here an overview.

Eggs contain a lot of protein (protein) and these ensure that you keep feeling fuller for longer. That way you are less tempted to eat too much and you can easily lose weight naturally.
Beans promote the production of cholecystokinin. This is a hormone that suppresses hunger in a natural way. In addition, beans have a cholesterol-lowering effect and you can naturally lose weight more easily.
vegetables Leaf vegetables are full of fibers and provide a fuller feeling than many other vegetables because of the amount of moisture in them. They contain nutrients that support muscle tissue and health. The more muscles you have, the more calories you burn. Iceberg lettuce contains unfortunately little fiber, so it is better to eat Roman lettuce, kale, endive or spinach.
Cucumber consists of 90% water and therefore almost no calories. Cucumber is a vegetable that requires a lot of chewing. This promotes the feeling of satiety, which gives you a full feeling and makes it easier to lose weight naturally.
Roots contain a lot of fiber. A large part of these are soluble fibers. They provide a balanced blood sugar level. As a result, you will have less need for sweets and thus lose weight faster.
Nuts contain a lot of fat, but this is precisely the good unsaturated fat. In addition, they also contain a lot of fiber and proteins. That way they quickly give you a feeling of satisfaction and this is the ideal snack. Nuts also contain a lot of vitamin E, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Examples of the best nuts are almonds, macadamia, walnuts, cashew nuts, pecans, hazelnuts and the coconut.
Fatty fish
Fatty fish and especially salmon, tuna and mackerel have a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. These super healthy fats stimulate your metabolism and therefore you can easily lose weight naturally.
Oatmeal is full of the best carbohydrates and good fiber. This ensures that your blood sugar level remains constant, making it easier for you to lose weight naturally.
Quinoa contains a lot of proteins, so you have a longer feeling of satiety. In addition, quinoa provides more muscle tissue and therefore you will burn fat faster. Also, quinoa barely calories, but is quite powerful, so you do not need much.
Grapefruits (and to a lesser extent other citrus fruits) contain a special enzyme that stimulates digestion. This enzyme ensures that fat molecules burn faster and speed up the metabolism.
Pears (and to a lesser extent apples) are full of fiber and water. This gives pears a feeling of satisfaction after eating. They are also sweet in nature and they balance the sugar level, so you have less need for sweets and you can easily lose weight naturally.
Berries are full of antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin E. These work anti-inflammatory, which is useful for the metabolism. In doing so, they reduce cholesterol and protect against multiple diseases, such as cancer. The anthocyanin coloring agent, which gives the berry its blue color, reduces fat deposits in the blood vessels. This mainly concerns accumulations of cholesterol.
Lean meat
Lean meat is packed with protein. Proteins consist of amino acids. Especially the amino acid leucine is very important, because this ensures that your muscle mass stays in tact better. More muscle mass means a higher metabolism so you will lose weight better.
breast Chicken breast is remarkably thin. In addition, chicken breast contains relatively few calories and you can easily lose weight naturally.
Red pepper
Red pepper contains capsaine. This helps to suppress the feeling of hunger.
Soup pleases a lot of moisture and few calories which helps with natural weight loss.
Green tea 
Green tea provides a slightly natural increase in body temperature. Because the body is trying to cool you down again, it has to burn extra calories to get this done. In addition, green tea has a calming effect on the human body, which reduces stress. The body then makes less of the hormone cortisol, which ensures that less visceral fat is produced again.
oil Olive oil contains many unsaturated fats that help to break down the stored fats in the body, making it easier to lose weight naturally.
Cinnamon ensures that your insulin rises less quickly so that your body less fat stores and you can easily lose weight naturally.
Vinegar helps to control your blood sugar levels, so you are less likely to eat sweets.
Chia seeds
Chia seeds are full of omega-3 fatty acids that stimulate the metabolism. In addition, a small amount of chia seeds quickly gives a saturated feeling.
In addition to these 21 foods that stimulate natural weight loss, drinking water is of course also very important. Too little water ensures that waste can not be removed from your body quickly enough.

So drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Tea, coffee and fruit juices also count, but do not always work as purifyingly as water. Moderate with soft drinks and try to avoid as many alcoholic drinks as possible, as these will remove moisture.

If you want to have a complete book in your possession, where all the information is about losing weight with the right nutrition, then I advise you to purchase the  Slimming Recipe Bible from Richard Ridder. With the information and recipes in this book, all of your excess body fat burns without heavy training or unhealthy crash diet.

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The latest scientific facts with practical tips
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Weight Loss Coaching Program
Weight Loss Coaching Program
Weight Loss Coaching Program

It is now about 10 years since I discovered meditation. It has brought me a lot. To be healthier, I think eating better is not enough. Meditating is clearly a big piece in the puzzle for me. Many people find meditation but weird and vague. I think differently, just like science.

What does meditation meditate with you according to science?
Works against aging of the brain
People who regularly practice meditation have measurably more gray matter ( 1 ) in old age . The gray matter ensures that our brains can process information. Previously it had been shown that meditation leads to more gray matter. One study showed that the more gray matter a person has, the less selfish the person is ( 2 ).

Strengthens your immune system
Research shows that 8 weeks of meditation positively influences your immune system ( 3 ). A large increase in the number of antibodies against viruses was found.

Reduces pain
By only meditating for 20 minutes for only 20 minutes, you can significantly reduce pain ( 4 ). If you continue on the path of meditation, you can even achieve even better results. A lot of brain scans have been made in this study to come to this conclusion.

Reduces inflammation
Several studies show that inflammation at the cell level decreases by meditating daily ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ). The researchers also observed that people felt less lonely because of meditation.

Makes you more positive
By meditating you get more positive emotions ( 8 ). The more you meditate with the years, the more positive your emotions become.

Reduces depressions
Meditating can make depressive feelings a thing of the past ( 9 ). Through meditation, test subjects also suffer less from the ruminating of thoughts, so that they also come out of a negative spiral faster.

Reduces fears
Previous studies show that meditation works positively when you are plagued by fears ( 10 ) ( 11 ). A three-year study concluded that meditation can have a long-term effect, so that your fear remains permanently at a distance ( 12 ).

Reduces stress
By meditating you reduce stress, according to research ( 13 ). People with the disease also received more illumination through meditation and experienced less stress ( 14 ). People who regularly meditate clearly have less of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood ( 15 ). The evidence was so convincing that, according to the researchers, meditation should actually be part of the standard treatment.

Also read: 5 tips to become a "free-range human" without stress

Improves your social life
By meditating you reduce social isolation ( 16 ). Through meditation the sense of connection with your fellow man clearly increases.

Compassion increases
Compassion with fellow residents on this earth is increasing according to research ( 17 ). Altruism is also increasing ( 18 ).

Your hippocampus grows bigger
According to research, the hippocampus grows in the brain by meditating ( 19 ). The hippocampus is responsible for remembering information.

Your cortical areas in the brain become thicker
On scans it is visible that meditation changes your brain. Especially the areas responsible for observing, cognition and emotional processing are greatly increased by meditation ( 20 ).

Improves your concentration
By meditating you appear to be able to hold your attention much better, according to several studies ( 21 ) ( 22 ).

Also read: Mindfulness reduces stress and anxiety in cancer patients

Less sleep needed
According to research, you need less sleep by meditating ( 23 ). Apparently the brain resets itself during the meditation.

The nice thing is that meditation really does not have to cost anything. If you want to learn it, there are plenty of books and videos about it. I myself did a meditation course at a Buddhist temple. I like to be taken on hand. In the beginning I found 5 minutes a lot, but by meditating with others, you get used to a few hours of meditation more quickly. The feeling you have after such a meditation can not be explained in a blog. You really have to experience that yourself ..It is recommended that you look at some useful information for
you. Please click here

Reduce stress
Reduce stress
Reduce stress
Reduce stress


Many people want to become more fit and healthy.? Losing weight if needed is a way to do this.? Herbs are a wonderful and natural way to help with your goals to reduce the extra weight that you are going down and pain loss health.? Consider the possible addition of a small amount of these to your diet strategy to see if they do not help.? As always, consult your doctor with questions, and learn all you can about the below mentioned to see if they are the best personally maybe not for your herbs.? Many are highly encouraged by the results they have found and willenhet idea that it is a natural way to get some weight.? Of course lose, you want to drink plenty of water, keep active, do not eat too much and get a good amount of sleep.? I will tell below how some herbs can interact with possible weight loss. Maitake has some interesting effects related to weight loss.? It is in the mushroom family, but considered as a herb.? The other names it goes through among other hens of the forest, dancing mushroom, Ram head, and sheep's head.? Part used is the whole mushroom.? ' As for weight control, the best studies I am aware of are Japanese studies that have been done.? There were some animal studies done where the animals were given high fat content and high cholesterol food.? Part of the feed had maitaketoegevoegd to see what the differences were possibly. The group had maitake added fat food body weight did not reach but the other group has in weight.? At the end of the study, the animals haddenmaitake, weighed to about 25% less.? ' More studies were done with overweight adult people, and the same kind of results were found.? They took Maitake tablets, which is about 7 grams of mushrooms in a day.? They made no changes in their diet than the addition of Maitake? They lost anywhere from 12 to £26.? I think that's just great.? Do look into the possible side effects of maitake, and discuss with your doctor before you do anything drastic in regards to changes that may affect your body.? Safety First always!? Ephedra, is also known as Ma Huang, Mormon tea, or brothel tea.? The parts of the herb used are the stems and branches.? Ma Huang Nature raises the metabolism, which is a very desirable thing for people who want to lose weight.?? It may be the speed at which your body burns normal calories.? Even better, it may be the appetite to suppress what.? The more I research herbs, the more I will come across an herb that will say one of the benefits lenis improve the appetite.? So there are some herbs on both sides there, depending on the need.? You may have heard of ephedrine studies, and that is a chemically isolated ephedrine, to be clear.? That was for weight control enwerd often used in combination with caffeine, which is also a stimulant.? ' The differences are not significant for the person who was already on low fat and regular exercise regimin, although there were differences with Ma Huang. The combination with caffeine increased the weight loss in studies by about 5 percent.? ' There have been other studies done, Danish studies and Italian studies that overweight women who took oral ephedrine showed lost more weight compared to those who just took placebo.? The greatest effects were in people who were clinically obese, or at least 20% Zwaarderdan the recommended weight.? For those who are just a little overweight, who just want to lose a very few pounds, it was not so effective. Look into possible side effects if you are seriously considering using this herb, as some effects, even if rare, can be unpleasant.? ' No matter what, the experts agree the best thing to do is a calorie diet and daily exercise for permanent weight loss.? That's the purpose, and so these are great habits anyway. Dandelion is also known as Lion's tooth, piss-Abed, and wanted endive if you want to look it out.?? In general, the parts used are the roots, but the leaves are also used in herbal remedies.? I have gehoordvan people using the flowers too.? It's just what the need is.? ' Fennel has traditionally been known as a weight control herb, but really turns out to be related to having a diuretic effect.? The better way to help long term with someones weight few calories, low fat and daily exercise.? Other names for fennel are Finocchio, Florence fennel and Caro Sella.? ' Celery seed is another herb that has a diuretic effect.? It's basically just a way to water weight
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Weight Loss
Weight Loss
Weight Loss
Weight Loss


The art of losing weight is under your energy need per day to sit down. Let's say your energy needs are 2000 kcal. The typical energy requirement for the average woman. When you sit on 1700 kcal per day, an even healthy intake, you will undoubtedly lose weight. In fact, there is a negative difference between calorie intake and calorie consumption. Cardio doing purely for vetverbrading is not really interesting. After all, it continues to be the total number of calories you burn each day. More cardio means burning more. More burning means being able to eat more to remain below that need threshold and therefore fall off. Cardio during weight loss is therefore healthier because you can keep eating more and thus get more nutrients through food. Do not eat before or after cardio because of metabolic change to keep high or to stimulate fat burning or to continue to keep it going is incorrect. As it is about your total intake of calories per day it is wise to eat at those crucial moments of the day (time of breakfast and the moments before and after training) to keep the metabolism going, and to ensure that muscles recover in The cardio intensity is higher. Especially in combination with strength training a must. Also, energy for a cardio session, even during weight loss, helps to reduce the intensity. Why is this important? Cardio do, in the morning for example, on empty stomach and on empty glycogen stocks in the muscles you will experience as black snow. Your energy level is low and the intensity is low. Besides the fact that you are burning a moderate amount of fat, your protein is burning and your muscles are opvreten. Especially during strict diets, glycogen stocks are low, and therefore it is important to provide the body with energy at these crucial moments. In the morning Brinta or oatmeal is perfect. Before and after the workout protein rich and also carbohydrate-rich food is perfect. This way you avoid hitting in a deep state of catabolism. That is to say a body state in which the body is weefselafbrekend. Besides this low amount of fat therefore also muscle tissue. The effects of Verver branding come better to his right by better overall cardiovascular fitness. That's why you get the intensity by averaging high instead of low. Therefore you will have to be glycogeenvoorradig. People who start cardio for the first time during their waste board I recommend not to start medium intensity immediately, but first build with low intensity to allow the body to get used to the load. More glycogen in the muscles means a higher intensity cardio, means a more effective cardio because more is burned and because it contributes to better cardiovascular fitness. And that is precisely what it is all about. Losing weight starts with your diet. Know how much you eat at calories a day. Next, make sure you come under this energy requirement by adjusting the power supply, and then use cardio to accelerate this process (by working on better cardiovascular fitness and burning calories) and ensuring that you don't Low calorie intake. When you do at moderate intensity cardio you burn per hour about 400 to 600 kcal. Depending on the type of cardio, body type and physique, and vascular fitness. IE at 30 minutes cardio, which 50% fat burning: 600/2 = 300kcal for 30 minutes cardio300/2 = 150kcal to fat 1 gram fat = 9kcal150/9 = 16.7 grams fat. That is virtually negligible. When you would do cardio every day of the week you burned 120 grams of fat per week. If you do not adjust your diet, this skinny 120 gram will be quickly replenished in the week and that makes the difference almost entirely negligible. This also explains why people who never want to lose their sports are often unsuccessful. Especially when there is a lack of discipline in relation to nutrition. The general cardiovascular fitness is not there, so cardio at low intensity purely from combustion perspective goes very slow. In addition, the power supply is not adjusted and they may still be above the threshold of energy need. Or they are so low below that result remains. How can my cardio or my weight contribute effectively? First: See cardio no longer just as a way to burn fat. Instead, see Cardio to improve your cardiovascular fitness allowing you to strengthen your metabolism and metabolic rate. A good cardiovascular body is a many times better combustion machine than a cardiovascular wreck. Keep the intensity of cardio on 70 to 80% of your maximum heart rate. For example, a person of 20 years would be able to do cardio for 20 to 30 minutes a day at a heart rate of 150 to
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How about finally wearing that cute bikini?​
How about finally wearing that cute bikini?​
How about finally wearing that cute bikini?​
How about finally wearing that cute bikini?​


Ben author of the books Slim through the transition, hibernate your transition and 20 days of sugar free. Currently I am a transitional consultant and I help hundreds of women every day with all kinds of complaints. Did you know that obesity is also a transitional complaint? Especially when it comes to abdominal fat. My overweight has kept me in her grip for years. I started to frustrate myself to my tummy... My kilos kept on coming and in a short time I arrived 7 kilos. My clothing was no longer delicious. I have tried many diets, but they have never had the desired effect with me. I was mainly struggling with 2 aspects when it comes to losing weight: I don't just want to lose some pounds now, but also that the lost weight will not come back. That I stay slim by being healthy and not by pills, expensive opinions or subscriptions. My trek in sweet makes it difficult because I can no longer eat so many things during a diet-which I would like to eat. Because of this I can hardly yield the motivation if I want to lose weight. And to be honest, a diet has little chance of success if you crave sweet. To have lasting success with weight loss I have chosen another approach for 20 days of sugar free. Scientific research shows that there is a link between your hormone and your overweight and that there is one key that determines whether you are going to burn fat (or store fat) today. Many women who are 40 years of age or older have a busy life. Your work, children, the household. It remains difficult not to be tempted by sweetness when you are eating out, visiting girlfriends, or celebrating a birthday. And the worst is: sugar works addictive. Many women give more times than they want to be tempted with sweets, such as: apple juice, muesli bars and pastries. But also to fast carbohydrates such as: pizza, pasta or pasta. This increases your blood sugar levels. And after a spike of blood sugar, it drops drastically so you don't have a puff, you lethargic feel and get in sweet again. In this way, it is impossible for many women to maintain a diet, especially if 80% of the products in the supermarket contain hidden sugars. If you want to lose weight then it is important to keep your blood sugar level stable by eating natural and unprocessed foods. Sugars and fast carbohydrates ensure high insulin production. If your blood glucose levels rise then your pancreas gets the signal to produce the hormone insulin. The disadvantage of high insulin production is that it disrupts the metabolism. Because as long as there is insulin circulating in the blood, the body stops burning fat and the body is going to hold fat. Many women are not aware that they are putting the wrong hormones to work, which means they will never lose weight. There is yet another hormone that is responsible for your weight besides insulin... namely Glucagon. Glucagon is responsible for your fat burning. In the case of insulin and glucagon, there is only one master at the helm. If glucagon from the field is beaten by insulin, then you will not burn any fat anymore. What you have eaten over the past hours determines whether you have high or low insulin and glucagon values. By consciously choosing what you eat and drink, you communicate with your hormones. By putting Glucagon to work you get more energy, a slimmer figure and you can turn your favorite dress on. The only thing you need to know is what causes the cravings to maintain sweetness and fast carbohydrates. Sugar is a cheap raw material and an ideal flavoring maker, but has a bad reputation when it comes to health. Therefore, the food industry has invented 56 names for sugar such as: glucose, lactose, dextrose and so on. Many sugars are hidden. You recognize them in not because they have a different name. In Most processed food products you can find hidden sugars in this respect products such as: salami, light products, cereals, salad dressings, processed fruit juices, energy bars etc. Fast carbohydrates are converted to glucose in a short time, which is also a sugar. Think of products such as: white, beer and pasta. After eating pizza For example, you will feel more often lifeless and you need sugar-rich foods to increase your energy levels. If you eat many products with fast carbohydrates such as: apple juice, canned fruit, biscuits, lemonade etc. then your body actually gets a steady flow of sugar inside. After eating sugar, dopamine is released into the body that will make you feel euphoric. This gives the brain the signal that you feel good and therefore you crave sugar again and again. If you know how to eat sugar free Then
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